Sunday, September 16, 2007


I'm still going to try to turn this around and bring the Spirit back next year! Please sign my online petition and send the link to everyone you know. use the link on the right to download and print out a petition. Take it to soccer practice, football practice, Red Sox games and anywhere else there are LOTS of people. The lease on Fraser Field doesn't run out until the end of Oct and Nick has at least until the league meeting on Oct. 7 to tell the league if he's coming back so this is NOT over. Nick has exercised the option on the team and the mayor said he would renew the lease. Email me and I'll tell you how to get the petition to me so I can get them to Mayor Clancy and Nick Lopardo! I emailed the mayor some of the petitions but he didn't answer my so email so I'll have to take to his office in city hall. Please help SOS (SAVE OUR SPIRIT) for all us kids.


Anonymous said...

I hope you get lots of tv interviews & lots of support. You're doing a great job. I've never seen such a determined kid! I've seen you at the games & on the news. I wish everyone had your Spirit! You're an inspiration to all of us.
From a Spirit Fan

DaveCo said...

Your petion is now running on the message baord that plays in Lynn & Swampscott on LynnCAM's message baord.

Good luck and keep up the great work!!

DaveCo said...

It is now even on the LynnCAM website (

Keep it up kid!

Anonymous said...

Hey Victoria,
It's Joe A. the intern who did speed pitch for the Spirit. I am so proud of you. Well, I have been sending the online petition to everyone that I know so hopefully we can make a difference. Dont' give up. Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

My name is Sam and I'm 9. I love the Spirit! I go to the games with my Dad and my friends. Thank you for trying to SAVE THE SPIRIT!
Good luck-
Sam M.
Peabody Ma